- Current Hospital Appointments
- Academic Appointments
- Teaching Positions
- Clinical Training as an Ophthalmologist
- Awards and Honours
- University Educations
- Research Publications
- Research Grants Awarded
Chatswood Private Hospital, Chatswood.
North Shore Private Hospital, St Leonards
Mater Hospital, North Sydney.
Central Coast Day Hospital, Erina
Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney Medical School
• RANZCO College Examiner – Advanced Pathology 2010 – 2019.
• RANZCO College Examiner – Physiology 2010 – 2015.
Fellowship in Corneal, Cataract, and Refractive Surgery, Moorfields Eye Hospital UK, 01/07/2009 – 30/06/2010
Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO) – Awarded 1st July 2009.
Ophthalmology Advanced Training Registrar, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney – 01/07/2004 – 19/04/2009
Filipic Greer Medal for performance in the Advanced Pathology Examination (2007).
Award: Medical Post-Graduate Research Scholarship
Institution: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia
Award: Travelling Award for Research Training in 2002
Institution: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia
1998 – Jan Coppleson Memorial Prize for Cancer Medicine. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney.
1997 – Dr. Grace Cuthbert Browne Prize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney.
1994 – Watson Scholarship. St. John’s College, University of Sydney.
1993 – John and Margaret Ellwood Scholarship. St. John’s College, University of Sydney.
1992 – Dux. Edmund Rice College, Wollongong.
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PhD): University of New South Wales, Faculty of Medicine,
PhD Thesis Title: Development of a Bionic Eye for Blind Patients.
Awarded: 15th December 2005.
RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP: 01/04/2002 – 01/09/2002
Institution: Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard University Medical School.
Position: Research Fellow, Retinal Implant Project.
1993 – 1998 – Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine.
Result: Honours Class
1. Iovieno A, Chowdhury V, Stevens JD, Maurino V. Moorfields technique of donor cornea mounting for femtosecond-assisted keratoplasty: use of viscoelastic in the artificial anterior chamber. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2012 Jul 1;43(4):348-50.
2. Fung S, Iovieno A, Shanmuganathan V, Chowdhury V, Maurino V. Letter: Femtosecond laser-assisted lock-and-key shaped penetrating keratoplasty. Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:136-137.
3. Bhardwaj G, Chowdhury V, Jacobs MB, Moran KT, Martin FJ, Coroneo MT. A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of ocular signs in pediatric abusive head trauma. Ophthalmology. 2010;117:983-92.
4. Huang Q, Chowdhury V, Coroneo MT, Evaluation of patient suitability for a retinal prosthesis using structural and functional tests of inner retinal integrity. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2009. 6(3): p. 035010.
5. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Development of an Extraocular Retinal Prosthesis: Evaluation of Stimulation Parameters in the Cat. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2008;15(8):900-906.
6. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Evaluation of Extraocular Electrodes for a Retinal Prosthesis from Evoked Potentials in Cat Visual Cortex. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2005;12(5):574-579.
7. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Stimulation of the Retina with a Multielectrode Extraocular Visual Prosthesis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery 2005;75:697-704.
8. Chowdhury V, Morley JW, Coroneo MT. Feasibility of extraocular stimulation for a retinal prosthesis. Can J Ophthalmol 2005;40(5):563-72.
9. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. An in-vivo paradigm for the evaluation of stimulating electrodes for use with a visual prosthesis. A NZ Journal of Surgery 2004;74(5):372-378.
10. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Surface Stimulation of the Brain with a Prototype Array for a Visual Cortex Prosthesis. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2004;11(7):750-755.
1. Morley JW, Chowdhury V, Coroneo MT. Visual cortex and extraocular retinal stimulation. In Visual Prosthesis and Ophthalmic Devices: Rizzo JF, Tombran-Tink J, Barnstable CJ, Eds. Humana Press 2007, Chapter 11, pp 159-171.
Grant: 2010: AMO Unrestricted Grant for Investigator-Sponsored Research Trial
Amount: £22,000 ($38,000)
Study: An Exploratory Study On Surgical Technique And Outcomes For Knifeless And Sutureless Penetrating Keratoplasty In Enucleated Pig Eyes
Investigators: * Chowdhury, V, Maurino, V, Stevens, J.
Institution: Abbot Medical Optics Inc. (AMO).
Grant: 2008: Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation
Research Grant Application 2008
Amount: $20,000
Study: A prospective Retcam study comparing retinal findings in inflicted traumatic brain injury and accidental head injury
Investigators: * Coroneo, M, Bhardwaj, G, Jacobs, M, Chowdhury, V.
Institution: Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation
Grant: 2008: Perpetual Charities Medical Research Grant.
Amount: $20,000
Study: Bionic Eye Project
Investigators: * Chowdhury, V, Coroneo M.
Institution: Perpetual Ltd.
Grant: 2007: UNSW Early Career Research (ECR) Grant.
Amount: $27,000
Study: Development of an Extraocular Retinal Implant (Bionic Eye) for Blind Patients
Investigators: *Chowdhury, V, Coroneo, M.
Institution: University of New South Wales
Grant: 2006: Genetic Eye Foundation Research Grant.
Amount: $20,000
Study: Pilot Clinical Trial of Extraocular Retinal Stimulation.
Investigators: *Chowdhury, V, Coroneo, M.
Institution: Genetic Eye Foundation.
Grant: 2003: Retina Australia Research Grant 2003.
Amount: $35,000
Study: The Development and Clinical Trial in a Blind Patient of a Bionic Eye Device Based on Surface Electrical Stimulation of the Visual Cortex by an Implanted Neuroprosthesis.
Investigators: *Coroneo, M; Vonau, M; Blum, P; Morley, J; Chowdhury, V; Kwok, S.; Chew, J.
Institution: Retina Australia.
Grant: 2003: Brain Foundation Research Grants.
Amount: $5,000.
Study: Cortical Neuroprosthesis to Restore Visual Perception to Blind Patients.
Investigators: *Coroneo, M; Morley, J.; Chowdhury, V.
Institution: Brain Foundation.
Grant: 2003: NH&MRC Development Grant 2003:
Amount: $186,750 (Industry: Cochlear $250,000 in-kind).
Study: Cortical Neuroprosthesis to Restore Vision to Blind Patients
Investigators: *Coroneo, M.; Morley, J.; Chowdhury, V. ; Blum, P.
Industry Partners: Cochlear Ltd, Sydney Biotech Pty Ltd.
Institution: National Health and Medical Research Council.
Grant: 2002: Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia Grant.
Amount: $26,500
Study: Clinical trial of a custom designed subdural electrode grid for stimulation of the visual cortex and investigation of its use as a visual neuroprosthesis in blind patients.
Investigators: *Chowdhury, V; Blum, P; Downie, J; Lovell, N.
Institution: Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia.
Grant: 2002: University Research Support Program (URSP)
Amount: $12,000.
Study: Development of an artificial vision prosthesis for blind patients.
Investigators: *Coroneo, M; Lovell, N; Blum, P; Chowdhury, V.
Institution: University of New South Wales.
*Chief Investigator.