1. Current Hospital Appointments
  2. Academic Appointments
  3. Teaching Positions
  4. Clinical Training as an Ophthalmologist
  5. Awards and Honours
  6. University Educations
  7. Research Publications
  8. Research Grants Awarded


Chatswood Private Hospital, Chatswood.
North Shore Private Hospital, St Leonards
Mater Hospital, North Sydney.
Central Coast Day Hospital, Erina


Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney Medical School


• RANZCO College Examiner – Advanced Pathology 2010 – 2019.
• RANZCO College Examiner – Physiology 2010 – 2015.


Fellowship in Corneal, Cataract, and Refractive Surgery, Moorfields Eye Hospital UK, 01/07/2009 – 30/06/2010

Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO) – Awarded 1st July 2009.

Ophthalmology Advanced Training Registrar, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney – 01/07/2004 – 19/04/2009


Filipic Greer Medal for performance in the Advanced Pathology Examination (2007).

Award: Medical Post-Graduate Research Scholarship
Institution: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia

Award: Travelling Award for Research Training in 2002
Institution: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia

1998 – Jan Coppleson Memorial Prize for Cancer Medicine. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney.
1997 – Dr. Grace Cuthbert Browne Prize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney.
1994 – Watson Scholarship. St. John’s College, University of Sydney.
1993 –  John and Margaret Ellwood Scholarship. St. John’s College, University of Sydney.
1992 – Dux. Edmund Rice College, Wollongong.


DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PhD): University of New South Wales, Faculty of Medicine,

PhD Thesis Title: Development of a Bionic Eye for Blind Patients.
Awarded: 15th December 2005.

RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP: 01/04/2002 – 01/09/2002
Institution: Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard University Medical School.
Position: Research Fellow, Retinal Implant Project.

1993 – 1998 – Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine.
Result: Honours Class



1. Iovieno A, Chowdhury V, Stevens JD, Maurino V. Moorfields technique of donor cornea mounting for femtosecond-assisted keratoplasty: use of viscoelastic in the artificial anterior chamber. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2012 Jul 1;43(4):348-50.
2. Fung S, Iovieno A, Shanmuganathan V, Chowdhury V, Maurino V. Letter: Femtosecond laser-assisted lock-and-key shaped penetrating keratoplasty. Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:136-137.
3. Bhardwaj G, Chowdhury V, Jacobs MB, Moran KT, Martin FJ, Coroneo MT. A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of ocular signs in pediatric abusive head trauma. Ophthalmology. 2010;117:983-92.
4. Huang Q, Chowdhury V, Coroneo MT, Evaluation of patient suitability for a retinal prosthesis using structural and functional tests of inner retinal integrity. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2009. 6(3): p. 035010.
5. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Development of an Extraocular Retinal Prosthesis: Evaluation of Stimulation Parameters in the Cat. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2008;15(8):900-906.
6. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Evaluation of Extraocular Electrodes for a Retinal Prosthesis from Evoked Potentials in Cat Visual Cortex. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2005;12(5):574-579.
7. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Stimulation of the Retina with a Multielectrode Extraocular Visual Prosthesis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery 2005;75:697-704.
8. Chowdhury V, Morley JW, Coroneo MT. Feasibility of extraocular stimulation for a retinal prosthesis. Can J Ophthalmol 2005;40(5):563-72.
9. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. An in-vivo paradigm for the evaluation of stimulating electrodes for use with a visual prosthesis. A NZ Journal of Surgery 2004;74(5):372-378.
10. Chowdhury V, Morley JM, Coroneo MT. Surface Stimulation of the Brain with a Prototype Array for a Visual Cortex Prosthesis. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2004;11(7):750-755.


1. Morley JW, Chowdhury V, Coroneo MT. Visual cortex and extraocular retinal stimulation. In Visual Prosthesis and Ophthalmic Devices: Rizzo JF, Tombran-Tink J, Barnstable CJ, Eds. Humana Press 2007, Chapter 11, pp 159-171.


Grant: 2010: AMO Unrestricted Grant for Investigator-Sponsored Research Trial
Amount: £22,000 ($38,000)
Study: An Exploratory Study On Surgical Technique And Outcomes For Knifeless And Sutureless Penetrating Keratoplasty In Enucleated Pig Eyes
Investigators: * Chowdhury, V, Maurino, V, Stevens, J.
Institution: Abbot Medical Optics Inc. (AMO).

Grant: 2008: Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation
Research Grant Application 2008
Amount: $20,000
Study: A prospective Retcam study comparing retinal findings in inflicted traumatic brain injury and accidental head injury
Investigators: * Coroneo, M, Bhardwaj, G, Jacobs, M, Chowdhury, V.
Institution: Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation

Grant: 2008: Perpetual Charities Medical Research Grant.
Amount: $20,000
Study: Bionic Eye Project
Investigators: * Chowdhury, V, Coroneo M.
Institution: Perpetual Ltd.

Grant: 2007: UNSW Early Career Research (ECR) Grant.
Amount: $27,000
Study: Development of an Extraocular Retinal Implant (Bionic Eye) for Blind Patients
Investigators: *Chowdhury, V, Coroneo, M.
Institution: University of New South Wales

Grant: 2006: Genetic Eye Foundation Research Grant.
Amount: $20,000
Study: Pilot Clinical Trial of Extraocular Retinal Stimulation.
Investigators: *Chowdhury, V, Coroneo, M.
Institution: Genetic Eye Foundation.

Grant: 2003: Retina Australia Research Grant 2003.
Amount: $35,000
Study: The Development and Clinical Trial in a Blind Patient of a Bionic Eye Device Based on Surface Electrical Stimulation of the Visual Cortex by an Implanted Neuroprosthesis.
Investigators: *Coroneo, M; Vonau, M; Blum, P; Morley, J; Chowdhury, V; Kwok, S.; Chew, J.
Institution: Retina Australia.

Grant: 2003: Brain Foundation Research Grants.
Amount: $5,000.
Study: Cortical Neuroprosthesis to Restore Visual Perception to Blind Patients.
Investigators: *Coroneo, M; Morley, J.; Chowdhury, V.
Institution: Brain Foundation.

Grant: 2003: NH&MRC Development Grant 2003:
Amount: $186,750 (Industry: Cochlear $250,000 in-kind).
Study: Cortical Neuroprosthesis to Restore Vision to Blind Patients
Investigators: *Coroneo, M.; Morley, J.; Chowdhury, V. ; Blum, P.
Industry Partners: Cochlear Ltd, Sydney Biotech Pty Ltd.
Institution: National Health and Medical Research Council.

Grant: 2002: Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia Grant.
Amount: $26,500
Study: Clinical trial of a custom designed subdural electrode grid for stimulation of the visual cortex and investigation of its use as a visual neuroprosthesis in blind patients.
Investigators: *Chowdhury, V; Blum, P; Downie, J; Lovell, N.
Institution: Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia.

Grant: 2002: University Research Support Program (URSP)
Amount: $12,000.
Study: Development of an artificial vision prosthesis for blind patients.
Investigators: *Coroneo, M; Lovell, N; Blum, P; Chowdhury, V.
Institution: University of New South Wales.

*Chief Investigator.